HRM-03 Career Management

This third application of HRM System draws the parameters, indicators, and grids from the HRM01 referential, as well as from the personnel data sheets. These informations will help initiate and manage the processes and events throughout the career of an employee from recruitment till retirement.  Téléchargez le PDF
Processings are operated according the BPM (Business Process Management) and Workflow approach and refer to documents and certificates that can be related to the DEM.
Using a secured interface, this application is meant to update personnel data base (HRM01) i.e. administrative status; it is also meant to highlight and generate the items which have an impact on the salaries calculation (HRM02): Clock-ins/clock-outs, leaves, changes in family or administrative status, etc.
The application is based on three entities Processes, event and action related to the event.

    • Recruitment: on application, on examination.
    • Remittance of documents and certificates.
    • Coverage: Entries, appointments, commitments.
    • Status changes: Marriage, divorce, widowhood, birth, death, tuition, etc.
    • Administrative changes: Reallocation, address changes, training, transfers, etc.
    • Leaves: Annual, unpaid authorisations, illness, maternity, long-term.
    • Assessment: Promotions, sanctions, rating.
    • Expectation.
    • Temporary transfers: Temporary work assignment, non-activity, temporary exclusion, etc.
    • Final cease of duties: Death, resignation, retirement, dismissal, removals, etc.
    • Transport
    • Hospitalization
    • Training
    • Mission
    This application includes a module « Statistics » which provides a combined breakdown per center or a consolidated cross classification of the manpower handled by HRM01 as well as of the salaries elements in the PAY application HRM02 and career events in HRM03.
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